
  • The Complexity of Korean Etiquette and Manners

    The Complexity of Korean Etiquette and Manners

    Deeply ingrained in the Confucian values and cultural legacy of Korea are proper manners and etiquette. Fundamental values in Korean society include respect, hierarchy, and social harmony. These values shape interactions in a variety of social contexts. It is essential to comprehend and follow Korean etiquette in order to establish and preserve relationships in social…

  • The Science of Korean Fermentation: From Kimchi to Cheonggukjang

    The Science of Korean Fermentation: From Kimchi to Cheonggukjang

    Traditionally used for centuries, Korean fermentation is a method of preserving food and enhancing flavor. This method modifies the flavor, texture, and nutritional value of different foods by utilizing microorganisms like yeast and bacteria. The complex flavors & many health benefits of fermented foods from Korea are well known. Korean cuisine and culture are fundamentally…

  • Korean Poetry: Historical Significance and Modern Expressions

    Korean Poetry: Historical Significance and Modern Expressions

    Korean poetry has a rich and diverse past that dates back thousands of years. Its inception dates back to the Three Kingdoms era (57 BC–668 AD), when poetry was an integral part of Korean social and cultural life. The lyrical and melodic poetry of the early Korean era was often performed with music and dance,…

  • Korea’s Contribution to Global Technology

    Korea’s Contribution to Global Technology

    South Korea has made major contributions to many industries & is now recognized as a global leader in technological advancements. With a focus on research and development, the nation has quickly become a center for innovation. Due to its unwavering dedication to technological advancement, South Korea has emerged as a major player on the international…

  • Reviving Korea’s Silk Industry: Challenges and Opportunities

    Reviving Korea’s Silk Industry: Challenges and Opportunities

    Asia has long been a silk producer; the earliest records go back thousands of years, to the Three Kingdoms era (57 BC – 668 AD). East Asians began to recognize Korean silk during the Goryeo Dynasty (918–1392). Silk production flourished during this time. Additional developments, such as government-run silk farms and enhanced farming methods, occurred…

  • Aging in Korea: Social and Cultural Perspectives

    Aging in Korea: Social and Cultural Perspectives

    All societies, including South Korea, are impacted by the global phenomenon of aging. The population of the nation is aging at one of the fastest rates in the world, contributing to the country’s rapid demographic shift. By 2060, forty percent of South Koreans will be 65 years of age or older, according to World Bank…

  • Korean Craft Beers: A Growing Industry

    Korean Craft Beers: A Growing Industry

    The demand for a wide variety of premium beverages as well as growing consumer interest in locally made & artisanal products have propelled South Korea’s craft beer industry to notable growth in recent years. The movement started in the early 2000s when a few trailblazing breweries introduced Korean consumers to a greater range of beer…

  • Korean Board Games: Traditional and Modern Favorites

    Korean Board Games: Traditional and Modern Favorites

    The history of board games in Korea is extensive and diverse, dating back thousands of years. Board games have been around in Korea since the Three Kingdoms era (57 BC–668 AD), when both aristocrats and commoners enjoyed playing a variety of games. These early games were educational tools that promoted strategy and critical thinking in…

  • The Future of the Korean Peninsula: Trends and Speculations

    The Future of the Korean Peninsula: Trends and Speculations

    There are now two separate countries on the Korean Peninsula: North Korea and South Korea. Originating from the aftermath of World War II and reinforced by the Korean War during the 1950s, this division has resulted in significantly distinct developmental trajectories for both nations. The Kim family holds an inherited dictatorship over North Korea, which…

  • Navigating Seoul’s Subway: The Backbone of Urban Transport

    Navigating Seoul’s Subway: The Backbone of Urban Transport

    Seoul has one of the most effective and convenient subway systems in the world, which makes it a favorite means of transportation for both residents and visitors. With 23 lines and more than 300 stations, the city’s subway system reaches nearly every location, making getting around without a car simple. For commuters and tourists, the…